About Us

About Influential BWN is dedicated to supporting female business owners. Through nurturing entrepreneurial conversations, creating an encouraging community of like-minded business women and facilitating opportunities for education and leadership development, we strive to create an experience where women can flourish in their entrepreneurial journeys. 

About Leigh Moss Developed in 2021, Leigh Moss is the owner and founder of Influential BWN. As a female entrepreneur, she desired community with other like-minded female business owners. Traditional networking groups focus on generating referrals but Leigh was seeking community and conversation that fostered business development discussions to aid her on her entrepreneurial journey. She developed Influential BWN to bridge the gap between traditional networking groups and her needs as a business owner to create a space for female entrepreneurs to share their experiences and build a support system. Based on the tremendous response from female business owners, it was apparent she wasn’t alone in her need for community.